
Showing posts from December, 2018

5 effective tips to care and protect invisible braces

Investing in Invisalign treatment is a wise approach to get a perfect smile. Invisalign clear aligner is an orthodontic appliance which is transparent and takes care of moving your misaligned teeth to the normal position. It does the same thing of applying pressure on the teeth like the metal braces do but the difference is clear braces do not have wire and they are transparent. When you get Invisalign clear retainers, you should take care of the brace as your natural teeth. Proper care on clear retainers will help you to obtain the straightened teeth within the planned treatment period. In this post, our Orthodontists in Dubai have shared the important tips to clean and protect the clear braces. 1)     Clean with Retainer brush Invisalign also requires regular cleaning and brushing as our teeth need. Cleaning the retainer protects the appliance from bacteria present in our mouth. While cleaning the clear braces, use a retainer brush or toothbrush with soft